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Professional Development and Career Panels: BTAA GIS Conference 2022

Panel 1: How to Keep Learning After Graduation: Professional Development and Continuing Education in the Spatial Workforce

For many, the goal of post-secondary education is to successfully enter the workforce in the field of your choosing. However, in an industry like GIS and Spatial where the technology is continually and rapidly changing, how do we keep our skills relevant and how do we learn in meaningful ways? Professional organizations offer many paths to answer these questions. Building networks with other spatial professionals, volunteering within an organization, and structured learning opportunities in the form of conferences and workshops, provide social outlets and skill development for continuous learners. Members of the Vanguard Cabinet discuss what it means to be involved in a professional organization, their impact in our career development, and the programs that we are developing in the Vanguard Cabinet to help other young professionals.

Sid Pandey (Penn Stae, University of Maryland)
Kate Berg (University of California Los Angeles, University of Michigan)
Wanmei Liang (University of California Los Angeles)

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