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I enjoy being an active member and leader of the geospatial community. In my free time, work to contribute to the geographic information systems (GIS) profession in fundamental ways such as conference speaking, committee participation, and outreach. I also strive to make GIS more engaging, relatable, and fun through my teaching and sharing of what I find fascinating and amusing about the community, as well as creating original "mappy memes".


Because of my professional accomplishments and involvement in the GIS community, I was named one of xyHt Magazine's 22 Young Geospatial Pros To Watch In 2022

Mappy Memes

Mappy Memes

In 2021, I was voted one of the funniest "geotweeps" on Twitter. This is largely due to my creating and sharing geospatial memes under the tag #mappymeme. What follows are  some of my favorite (and most popular) original creations.​

These memes highlight my knowledge and experience with GIS, but more importantly, I believe they support the GIS community. The memes are relatable to most map enthusiasts and are a way for people to feel like they belong, enhancing and supporting the community. In fact, people from all over the world have reached out to say my memes have made their day because they made them laugh, that they used them in their presentations to be more relatable with their audience, and that they even helped to break down their imposter syndrome. Sometimes I feel silly, but then I remember how useful people have found my content and I am just happy to have helped make the world a mappier place.

Harvard on the Map Podcast: Interview with Kate Berg, the Meme Queen

The Bounding Box Podcast: Where the GIS memes go!

Maptastic Resources

Maptastic Resources

I am a lifelong learner and naturally catalog information I find useful. I created this Maptastic Resources document as a way to systemize knowledge I've found useful and have since shared it with the geospatial community in case others may also find it valuable.


This document features a compilation of GIS portfolio examples, data portals, geospatial communities to join, GIS podcasts, annual map contests, and opensource GIS textbooks.  I'm continually adding and improving this as I find additional beneficial geospatial resources. Additions and suggestions are welcome! 

🥔🗺️ Maptastic Resources

Professional Memberships

NACIS: North American Cartographic Information Society (member since 2021)

Conference Presentation: The GISt of It: Discoveries from a Daily Social Mapping Challenge


URISA: Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (member since 2020)

Outreach Chair, Vanguard Cabinet of Young Professionals (2021 - Present)​​

Committee Member, Vanguard Cabinet of Young Professionals (2020 - Present)

Webinar Presentation: Building your Professional GIS Portfolio

IMAGIN: Improving Michigan's Access to Geographic Information Networks (member since  2017)

Upcoming Presentation: Streamlining Project Workflows that Involve Multiple Esri Applications​

GIS Chat

I organize and host "#GISchat”, a weekly and worldwide forum on Twitter for people all over the world to connect and network with other geospatial industry professionals and discuss topics of interest. This outlet averages thousands of interactions and reaches 800,000+ people per week.

Geomob Podcast - 119: Kate Berg & Michele Tobias: #gischat

Professional Membership
GIS Chat
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